Meet the committee

Philip Kane


Jackie Bilcliff

Jackie is Newcastle Hospitals Chief Finance Officer and has worked for the Trust since September 2022.

Jackie was previously Group Director of Finance and Digital at Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust and worked for the Trust since 2014. She was also Deputy Chief Executive and had been in this post since January 2022. Jackie qualified in 1996 with CIPFA and has held several positions within the private, health, and criminal justice sectors.

Caroline Docking

Caroline joined Newcastle Hospitals as Director of Communications and Engagement in October 2018, and became Assistant Chief Executive in September 2019.

Her role encompasses ensuring that the Trust communicates well with our patients, staff and other stakeholders. She is also responsible for Corporate Governance, External Affairs, the Chief Executive's Directorate and the Trust's Charity.

Previously, Caroline has extensive experience of partnership working, communications, public involvement and NHS governance. She has worked in the private and voluntary sectors as well as NHS commissioning and mental health provider organisations.

Caroline is a graduate of Liverpool University and the John Lewis Partnership Graduate Training scheme. She became a Chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (Chart.PR) in 2019.

Bill Macleod

Bill is a Non Executive Director at Newcastle Hospitals and Chair of the Audit Committee. He is a Chartered Accountant and was a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP for 25 years specialising in Audit.

He held a number of senior positions with the firm including Senior Partner of the Newcastle office. On a national basis, he served on PricewaterhouseCoopers UK’s Supervisory Board, chaired the firm’s own Audit and Risk Committee and his final role was as the firm’s Ethics Partner with oversight of professional ethics and conduct.

Bill has chaired the International Advisory Board at Newcastle University Business School since 2015 and joined the Council of Newcastle University in 2020. He is also a director of Newcastle Gateshead Initiative, chairing its Finance Group, as well as a member of the Ethics Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.

Lucia Pareja-Cebrian

Lucia was appointed joint medical director for Newcastle Hospitals in March 2024, having been associate medical director at Newcastle Hospitals since 2018.

Lucia originally joined Newcastle in 2015 as a consultant microbiologist, becoming director of infection prevention and control from 2017 until 2022.

Following completion of undergraduate medical training in Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Lucia undertook medical postgraduate training in the UK and completed her speciality training in Edinburgh, following which she worked as a consultant at Mid-Yorkshire NHS Trust for nearly 10 years before joining Newcastle.

Michael Wright

Michael was appointed as joint medical director of Newcastle Hospitals in March 2024, having previously been deputy medical director for a number of years. He has held a number of clinical leadership roles in Newcastle Hospitals and at a regional level.

Michael originally trained as a paediatric geneticist in Newcastle and the USA and has a particular interest in rare bone conditions.