Teams celebrated the 73rd Birthday of the NHS on Monday 5 July with the NHS Big Tea and a special thank you from Newcastle Hospitals Charity.
Over 13,000 colleagues took part from over 500 departments from across the RVI, Freeman, community, Regent Point, vaccination hubs and the Campus for Ageing and Vitality, with 131 teams fundraising for the official Charity of Newcastle Hospitals. Locations stretched across the North East and Cumbria.
Newcastle Hospitals Charity gave staff free refreshments as a token of appreciation for their efforts throughout the pandemic. Specials thanks to the Freeman and RVI Catering teams for their amazing work in organising the logistics and for 1NE for donating their time in delivering the parcels to all the locations.
Dame Jackie Daniel, Chief Executive of Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, led the way pouring an #NHSBigTea.
Among the teams celebrating were:
- Palliative care team at the Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI)
- Ward 9 surgical and Ward 6 Paediatric Emergency Assessment Unit, at The Great North Children’s Hospital, RVI
- Pharmacy inpatient team at Freeman Hospital
- Dental and health visitors teams at Arthur’s Hill Clinic
- Nuclear medicine team in Northern Centre for Cancer Care, Freeman Hospital
- Transplant co-ordinators in the Institute of Transplantation, Freeman Hospital
- Outpatients department at Freeman Hospital
- Physio and rehab teams at Freeman Hospital
- Chaplaincy team at Freeman Hospital
- Critical Care team at RVI