Your donations and fundraising help us to support patients, staff and the wider community of Newcastle Hospitals. Without you, we could not continue in our mission to make a positive impact at Newcastle Hospitals.
To find out more, please read our Impact Reports.
We have also pulled out a few recent examples of funding to give you an idea of the projects that we support:
£12,000 for the establishment of a Great North Children’s Hospital Hardship Fund
Need: Having a child in hospital is difficult enough without having to worry about the financial impact of their illness. Financial worries can place a huge amount of additional pressure on families at a time when they should be focusing on their child.

What we did: Thanks to a £12,000 donation from Amazon Gateshead to our fund, the Great North Children’s Hospital Foundation, we have established a Hardship Fund that will offer families at the hospital a helping hand when it is most needed. The fund will be managed by the Trust’s Chaplaincy Service who offer a 24-hour service every day and will be able to provide funds very quickly to help families in difficulty pay for vital costs relating to travel, food, and personal care.
Impact: It is expected that the £12,000 pot of funding will last for around two years and support around 30 families in need.
£74,345 used to buy a machine to prolong the life of donated organs, increasing the number of successful transplantations
Need: In 2019/20 in England, 300 patients died whilst awaiting a liver, kidney or pancreas transplant. In the same period, 900 donated organs were rendered unusable because blood flow to the organs ceased long before the organs were removed from the donors.

What we did: We supported Newcastle Hospitals to purchase one of the UK’s first Abdominal Normothermic Regional Perfusion machines, an innovative piece of equipment that restores circulation to abdominal organs, helping to keep them viable between donor and recipient, leading to an increase in successful organ transplantation and a reduction in complications after surgery. Donated organs are a life-changing gift from the donor, as well a great generosity from the donor’s family. This ANRP machine means that even more donors’ final wishes can be honoured.
Impact: It is anticipated that having this machine will enable Newcastle Hospitals to undertake an additional 25 liver transplants, four pancreas transplants, and 12 kidney transplants each year, transforming lives.
Having this technology in place will also keep Newcastle at the forefront of healthcare innovation and it is hoped that other Trusts will learn from our experience with the machine, spreading the benefits of this grant across the country and beyond.
If you’re interested in fundraising for Newcastle Hospitals Charity – or one of our funds – and helping us to make an even bigger impact, you can find out more here.
As always,