Charity Arts Programme for Newcastle Hospitals
A new art initiative is coming to Newcastle Hospitals thanks to funding arranged between Newcastle Hospitals Charity and NHS Charities Together.
The Newcastle project is the brainchild of Maurya Cushlow, Executive Chief Nurse at Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, who has seen first-hand the benefits art in hospitals brings for patients and staff.
The project has many benefits, one of which is playing a therapeutic role supporting the mental health and wellbeing of colleagues. It is one of a range of initiatives to be supported by NHS Charities Together with the aim of helping staff to recover from the pandemic.
With funding from NHS Charities Together, Newcastle Hospitals will recruit a new Arts Programme Manager, who will develop and steer an initial 12 month arts programme pilot.
“The importance to both staff and patients and the benefits that a creative art in hospitals programme can bring is well documented,” said Maurya. “It is well recognised that improving the environment for both staff and patients has a therapeutic benefit.
“There is lots of research on projects like these which demonstrates the positive impact art has on staff mental health and wellbeing and how it also engenders a sense of belonging.”

Fruit and Vegetable stall opens at the Freeman Hospital supported by Newcastle Hospitals Charity
A fruit and vegetable stall is in place at the Freeman Hospital thanks to a joint partnership between the Trust and Newcastle Hospitals Charity.
Staff, patients and visitors can benefit from the readily available and easily accessible fresh produce at the stall which follows on from the outlet which is currently located at the Royal Victoria Infirmary (RVI).
The stall at the RVI provides staff with easy access to a wide range of fresh fruit and vegetables and dairy produce both during and after their working day. This has been particularly helpful during the recent lockdown period for COVID-19.
Replicating the facility at Freeman supports more colleagues to shop with ease, accessing great fresh produce to support their health and wellbeing.
The fruit and vegetable stalls support the vision of the Trust Food and Drink Strategy to provide healthier food for staff and visitors, linking with Public Health programmes such as Food Newcastle which is part of the national Sustainable Food Cities Network.