We are delighted to announce that our latest photography project with renowned photographer and Freeman-trained nurse, Johannah Churchill, will be starting in April 2024.
Lunchtime online talk: in conversation with Johannah Churchill
Wednesday 17 April 13:00 – 13:30 (via Teams)
Find out more about Johannah’s photographic practice as she joins Katie Hickman, Arts Programme Manager, in conversation. We will cover a variety of topics, including advice for budding photographers, and what it is like making the move from practising nurse, to capturing NHS staff through a different lens. Email [email protected] to receive the Teams link.
Open Call for Trust Staff to take part in NHS Darkroom
Please note: this call closes on Monday 29th April
Open call to take part in an in-person workshop with Johannah Churchill, which will involve being onsite at Sunderland University, on Wednesday 12 June 2024.
There are limited spaces available for staff to take part in our exciting ongoing project, NHS Darkroom with Johannah Churchill, a photographer and nurse, who studied with Northumbria University Newcastle and trained at Freeman Hospital 2007-10. Johannah is currently Lecturer in Contemporary Photography, at the University of Sunderland.
6 Trust staff (through a random draw selection) will have the opportunity to sit for a professional portrait taken by Johannah, as well as joining a workshop, in a photography darkroom, to develop their own images and make their own prints.
Your portrait and own photographs could then feature across Trust sites!
You can see some of Johannah’s previous work with NHS staff here and her recent works in the Freeman, where she trained as a nurse, and in the Leazes Wing, RVI.
All materials are provided, and it is free to take part.
To be involved you need to be able to commit to the following:
Until 29 April: Register your note of interest in the workshop by sending an email titled Johannah Churchill NHS Darkroom 2024 to [email protected] no later than 5pm on 29 April.
W/C 29 April: 6 staff selected through anonymous draw and notified
Tues 7 May (12:30-2:30pm): The selected staff will meet with Johannah, in person, and gain insight into using 35mm film
9-24 May: Staff are given cameras to take their own photographs and return no later 24th May to the arts team.
Wed 12 June: Staff attend a full-day workshop at Sunderland University, learning the darkroom process and creating their own photographic prints. Staff will be photographed by Johannah in their workplace uniform.
Date tbc online: Debrief session with Johannah & Arts Team
August 2024: Staff prints are displayed across Trust sites
Please send expressions of interest via email to the Arts Team, on [email protected] by 5pm on Monday 29th April.
All expressions of interest (EOI) need to be entered via nhs.net email address and must come from a current staff member of the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Please title the EOI email ‘Johannah Churchill NHS Darkroom 2024’. All EOIs will be entered into an anonymous draw. Those selected will be contacted no later than the 3 May 2024.
The project is part of Newcastle Hospitals Charity Arts Programme and is supported by the University of Sunderland.
Images from the previous NHS Darkroom project.