We have a series of free Springbank Pavilion drop-in taster sessions on Newcastle Hospitals Trust sites! No experience necessary, all materials provided. Everyone welcome.
Engaging in creative activity has huge benefit for our wellbeing. A recent publication of the Creative Health Review details how we can harness arts & health programmes within the health service, for the benefit of our staff, patients, and wider communities. You can find out more here: https://ncch.org.uk/creative-health-review
We’ll be there to talk about the Arts Programme at Newcastle Hospitals Charity as well, and you can find out more about opportunities for staff, patients and wider communities to connect creatively in 2024. Visit here to find out more: https://charity.newcastle-hospitals.nhs.uk/get-involved/arts-programme-newcastle-hospitals-charity/
Get crafty, creative & curious
Date: Monday 18 March
Time: 1-2pm
Who is it for: Everyone in the hospital
Where: Freeman, opposite WH Smith/cafe (NCCC/Renal atrium)
Join artist Yve from Curious Arts (curiousarts.org.uk) for a free drop-in session – contribute to a spring mural or make your own paper flower crowns, inspired by the late LGBTQIA+ activist Masha P Johnson.
Take time to have a breather, connect with others and explore your creativity.
Natural Habitats
Date: Monday 4 March
Time: 1-2pm
Who is it for: Everyone in the hospital
Where: RVI, New Vic Wing, outside Medicinema
Join artist Pui Lee, with GemArts (gemarts.org), in a free drop-in bird house session. Take time to have a breather, connect with others and help the biodiversity of your garden, window box or community space. You’ll use natural materials to decorate your bird house and be able to install your birdhouse in your favourite spot. We’ll be looking at biodiversity, nature conservation and getting thoroughly creative.
Creative with Clay (For NHS Staff)
Monday 19 Feb Regent Point, foyer outside the cafe
2-3pm. All Trust staff welcome, drop-in, and join for as long as you can, no need to book.
No experience necessary, all materials provided. Everyone welcome.
Join artist Annabel Talbot from arts & mental health charity, Chilli Studios (https://www.chillistudios.co.uk/), in a free drop-in pottery session. Take time to have a breather, connect with colleagues and make a keepsake, or perhaps a token of appreciation to gift. Experiment with clay and explore creative possibilities in a fun and relaxing atmosphere.
Our Writer in Residence, Laura Lindow will also be there, to talk about creative writing opportunities for staff as well.