We’ve partnered with Will writing experts Farewill to offer you a free Will-writing or updating service
Anyone over the age of 18 can access our free Will-writing services and you can write your Will online and in the comfort of your own home in as a little as 30 minutes:
Get started with writing your WillIf you are an NHS staff member at Newcastle Hospitals, please follow this unique link on the Benefits Everyone website:
Newcastle Hospitals staff – click hereWhen you include a gift to Newcastle Hospitals Charity in your Will you are saying a forever thank you that will help us to support the patients, staff and wider communities of the North East.
“Every member of staff is professional, caring and friendly. They make both of us feel valued and it has become our safe space. So we have decided to leave a bequest in our wills so that other people in the future can experience what we are receiving.” – couple who are making a gift to Newcastle Hospitals Charity in their Will
By including a gift, you will make a significant impact for the long-term. Find out more:
Find out how to leave a gift in your WillIf you have any questions or would like discuss our free Will-writing service, please contact Ed Milner on [email protected] or 07860 354095